Electric motors, gearboxes, linear actuators, srew jacks and bevel gearboxes
Ndr Srl


We can supply a wide range of gearboxes from the classic round or square worm to all gear and planetary gearboxes

Riduttori assi paralleli

Parallel shaft gearboxes

Parallel shaft gearboxes Main features of the parallel shaft gearbox variants: 8 sizes with a wide range of mounting positions ...
riduttore epicicloidale 125 grandezza

Planetary gearboxes

Planetary gearbox specifications - Size 6 with 4 input and 4 output configurations - Maximum applicable power up to 200 ...
riduttori pendolari

Shaft mounted helical gearboxes

Shaft mounted helical gearboxes 8 sizes that offer a wide range of possible mounting positions. max input power 140 kW. max ...
riduttori coassiali

Helical gearbox

Helical gearbox, modular design with compact subgroups, for easy ratio replacement. Foot or flange mounting. 10 sizes with 3 input versions. Wide ...
riduttori vite senza fine

Worm gearboxes I Series

Worm gearboxes "I" Series suitable for the modular assembling of flanges, feet and torque arm. HIGH VERSATILITY 12 sizes with ...

Worm gearboxes U Series

Worm gearboxes U Series suitable for the modular assembling of flanges and torque arm. 7 sizes with wide range of ...